
Awa artist alley 1441
Awa artist alley 1441

  1. Awa artist alley 1441 how to#
  2. Awa artist alley 1441 license#

Please do not move provided chairs to other tables. If you would like to purchase a vacant table, (though we try very hard not to have any of those), please see the Artist Alley Director during the convention. If you did not pay for the table, it is not yours and you will be asked to move. (if you are unsure about a piece of equipment, contact us at No open flames permitted, including candles. This includes, but is not limited to, t-shirt presses, welding equipment, etc.

  • No equipment that will produce noxious fumes is allowed.
  • Awa artist alley 1441 license#

    Dealers and food trucks with the appropriate license may sell food, but Artists may not.

  • No food or drink of any kind is permitted to be sold at Artist Alley tables.
  • A little understanding will go a long way and help ensure a good time is had by all. Our main goal at AWA is for you to have fun but we also want to be respectful to the guests and their time. Please let us know if you have any questions.

    awa artist alley 1441

    We are here to help and will be available throughout the autograph line and at the table.

  • Requests for sound recording, video recording, voice requests, and phone calls are not allowed unless explicitly stated.
  • Keep conversations short and have your stuff ready so we can keep the line moving quickly.
  • Please keep in mind there are other people in line who want to meet the guest as much as you do.
  • If you are told no, please be respectful. Things like your body, pictures from artist alley, your favorite stuffed animal or plushie, or your dog are not acceptable items for signing.
  • Most guests only sign official merchandise.
  • Please be considerate and ask crew if they are ok.
  • Not every guest is comfortable with photographs.
  • Awa artist alley 1441 how to#

    Here are some good guidelines for Autographs and how to prepare: If it is later discovered that a person brought a working weapon to any current or prior year AWA, that person may be banned from attending future conventions. Persons who do not cooperate with the determinations of AWA concerning the application of this policy to any particular item may be immediately expelled from the convention. Only AWA may determine whether any particular item covered by this policy is permitted or not permitted at AWA and such determination is solely, exclusively, and absolutely at the discretion of AWA. This policy shall apply at all official Anime Weekend Atlanta events, including, but not limited to: Anime Weekend Atlanta, AWA Crew and/or Directors meetings, and work days, and shall apply on the property of the Renaissance Atlanta Waverly Hotel & Convention Center, Cobb Galleria Centre, Cobb Galleria Convention Center, Cobb Galleria Specialty Mall, Sheraton Suites Galleria-Atlanta, and all surrounding parking lots, parking decks, walkways, roads, parks, recreation areas and/or any other area reserved for use by Anime Weekend Atlanta.

    awa artist alley 1441

    The more info we get, the safer the con is.

    awa artist alley 1441 awa artist alley 1441

    If you’ve had an encounter with someone involved with the convention – hired security, guests, crew and remember details, please let us know, even if it has been a while.All reports will receive responses within 48 hours of receipt. You can also contact our department of public safety at throughout the year.This hotline is staffed for 24 hours during the convention. During the convention, if you feel unsafe and cannot get to a crew member or prefer not to, you can call our Department of Public Safety Dispatch at 67 anytime starting at 12pm on Thursday of the con.Your safety and comfort are a top priority. If you feel that you are unsafe or being harassed, please approach any member of crew for assistance in finding a Public Safety team member or Cobb County police officer.It is likewise every individual’s right to dictate their own boundaries and be respected.ĪWA will not tolerate harassment, and reserves the right to revoke badge privileges and remove from the premises anyone found to be contributing to an unsafe or hostile convention environment.The absence of expressed consent must be treated as refusal. It is each individual’s responsibility to obtain definitive consent from another person for anything that involves that person.Do not assume that a behavior you would find acceptable is therefore acceptable to another person.

    Awa artist alley 1441