I could write a book on just how terribly this show is written, but it’d be a waste. There’s nothing mysterious, heart-throbbing within this anime, and trust me when I say that the ‘conclusion’ is EVERYTHING but satisfying. Well then, for sure, seeing as how condensed the story and world is, it must have some mysterious, heart-throbbing plots that eventually lead to a satisfying conclusion! Nope. You don’t know who lives here, you don’t know what happens here, and you’re not even sure just how big the city is. Nothing is given relation to something else. I couldn’t even bother remembering the name of the city. Well then, for sure, that city must have gotten some major world building, seeing as it’s the only place seen throughout the anime. The entire thing occurs in a small city in the sky. Is there some epic plot that spans the worlds? Nope.

What underlying theme? Of growth? Overcoming your weakness? Suddenly becoming the most OP trio in the history of academy just by becoming ‘better friends’? Don’t judge book by its cover? If I were born a dumpster by any chance, and someone tried to throw away DVD’s of this anime, I’d throw them right back out. And no, it’s not my opinion, it’s a fact.

Whatever underlying themes you think exist in this anime, you are wrong. You watch the 1st episode, and you KNOW how it’s going to end. Even if I wanted to, there is literally nothing to spoil. Story is just a huge, steaming pile of mess. Plots get introduced out of nowhere, some are never resolved, there’s no underlying, or rather ‘main plot’ whatsoever, there is 0 world building, and nothing of even remote interest occurs. And, what’s so bad about it you wonder? Well, I already said. It packs so much ‘bad’, that if unleashed, it would corrupt the entire world and make everyone next gen Hitler. You could teach young people, not just writers or directors, how NOT to live LIFE just based off on this anime. I bet that if you wanted to, you could write seminars depicting just how bad this thing is. No, seriously, that’s literally the only reason I gave this thing Welcome to a large, steaming pile of crap with literally only 1 decent thing in it: girls are kind of cute. Every once in a while you’ll come across an anime that’ll literally help you grow as a person, help you understand some things you may have misunderstood, and when you do come across such anime you hold it in such a high regard that nothing else can even come close, and, on top of that, you begin believing anime to be the best entertainment medium there is.